November 7,2020. The coronavirus plaguing the world is on the increase this fall of 2020 so I, in agreement with the Sandusky Maritime Museum, have canceled my November 21, 2020 program. We will try again in 2021 with hopes this "beast" is dying off.
Meantime, the museum at 125 Meigs Street, Sandusky remains open at this writing and has a new and exciting display about rum running on Lake Erie (which my program was to herald in). The museum is following all CDC protocols for safety. The gift shop has signed copies of my book, RUM RUN for sale. If you are unable to pick up a copy in person, they can mail one to you (call the museum at 419-624-0274). Makes a great Christmas gift as it is an escape to warm summer days and nights on and around the lake with no virus to plague the characters!