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Good Vibrations

June has been an encouraging month. Readers have contacted me to tell me how much they enjoyed my story and some have been moved to write reviews or book me for talk. My publisher forwarded a very nice e-mailed to me sent to him by the head of an area boat building society. The review was so nice, my publisher asked him to post a review on Amazon and he did. This is so important and meaningful as good reviews such as his helps book sales. I was also informed by an Avon Lake book club that they were going to "celebrate my book" at their next book talk. What a wonderful way to say my book was to be the topic. I even told my friends about this at a luncheon. Thank you Janeen and book club for following and supporting me. Looking forward to meeting you at the Westlake program.

My dear and longtime friend Dottie took my book to her Baldwin Wallace life long learning literature class and told the class about it. Her instructor made contact with me and said her book club was going to read RUM RUN and invited me to sit in on the discussion. A big "yes" to that. Thank you, Dottie for making the connection. The reason for postings these exchanges is not to boast but to let readers know how much their communications, reviews, and Rum Run purchases mean to me. I am very grateful and humbled by you taking the time not just to read my book, but to let me how much you enjoyed it. Thank you also for spreading the word.

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